I am not remotely secretive about my struggles with mental health. I deal with depression and anxiety regularly, but something about the holidays can cause my struggles to become an all-out civil war with myself, and that just doesn’t work for me. Despite my moments of Grinchiness or Scroogedom, I actually love the holiday season (I mean, I could do without the barrage of the constant, cavity-inducing, holiday music, but…).
Unfortunately, even with my adoration of the hustle and bustle of the season of perpetual hope, I can get a little bogged down with the season of effectiveness disorder. So, I have created a list of tips and tricks to keep myself in the holiday spirit, that will hopefully help you too!
Prioritize: Reflect on what is important to you.
Every year we are inundated with parties, gatherings, and meet-ups. Sometimes so many things are happening that it is hard to keep track of what day it is. The best way to tackle all the invites is to prioritize what is important to you. Where do you want to be? Trust me when I say, people can tell when you don’t want to be there. So instead of being miserable, sit a couple out. Let the FOMO go.
Limit your screen time and stay in the moment as much as you can.
I know this seems like an insane idea with things happening every second of the day, but the reality is things are ALWAYS going to be happening. Take a break from the minutiae of the world and enjoy being in the moment for a change. You never know what you are missing out on by only looking at the world through the lens of a phone or tablet.
Do something crazy, exercise.
Traditionally this is the time of year that we embrace the cuffing season and put on a few pounds of feasting. I’m in no way saying to avoid that. The holiday gorge fest is one of the best parts of the season. All the homemade savory sweets and treats dance around my head year-round. Maybe, just this year, take a walk after you eat. Digest a little and take in the world as it transitions to full winter. You would be surprised at how it can lift your mood.
Enjoy your downtime, it may be very limited.
When it comes to downtime around the holiday season, it seems to be a bit of a trick on the brain. You look at the calendar and count how many days you have available to enjoy, but then you watch as each day fills with things to be done and places to be going. For this reason, enjoy the moments of peace you get for yourself. Wallow it. Take stock of where you are and really try to soak up that feeling.
Learn to say no to things and let go of that guilt.
Between family, friends, and various other loved and known people in our lives, we can end up accepting too many invitations. It can cause you to become a cranky, exhausted person who shows up to a gathering that was supposed to be all about spreading good cheer. If this is happening more and more to you, maybe it is time to say no to a few things. It is okay to say no. People are understanding that the holidays can be a stressful time. So let go of that guilt, and be okay with occasionally saying, “No, thank you.”
Marathon YOUR way.
One of my favorite ways to push away the holiday blahs is through marathoning. If I am feeling particularly cheerful, I will watch all my favorite holiday movies, even if most of them make me cry. However, that isn’t always the case with me. Sometimes I would rather fill up my time with an entire season of a K Drama I have been putting off. Other times I am completely counterintuitive and spend the day watching 90s movies or horror films. The point is always to find another way to carve out some time for yourself.
Manage the expectations of those around you.
This is the best advice I can give anyone. You cannot hold other people to your expectations. When you do, you are doing a disservice to them and yourself. Accept people for who they are and give everyone a break. It will save you a lot of heartache in the long run.
In. Out. In. Out.
Whenever you are beginning to feel the world around you becoming a little less bright and happy, it might be time to take 5 minutes or so and just focus on your breathing.
Contribute to the world around you.
If you are capable in any manner, whether it is financial assistance or just your time, try and give. When you give to those in need, you are helping to heal a much larger pain than what you can see. We are lucky if we have what we need, much less want. There are still many out there who have little to nothing. It never hurts to give to those in need.
Make an escape plan, you know, just in case.
Just in case, when you feel like it is all going downhill, and quickly… maybe have a backup plan in place. I used to bring a book and hide away at events when I was younger. My brother listened to music. My cousins would play basketball or walk around the neighborhood. There are all types of escape plans, and most don’t involve actually leaving. It doesn’t hurt to have one secured for yourself.
Treat Yo’ Self.
I know that this season is all about giving, but sometimes you got to get a little something for yourself. Whether it is the present you actually wanted but didn’t say anything about, the allowance let loose on a strict diet, or even giving yourself some time alone. Treat Yo’ Self. It is okay to be good to ourselves at any time of year, but maybe use this time of year to really give yourself something great.
A toast to your celebrations, and wishes. May they be bright and come true. Let us all make it through to the other side with our sanity and goodwill still intact.