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Mental Wellness: A Fresh Start

2025 is for fresh starts and new habits. The phrase 'new year, new me' becomes increasingly popular this time of year as it fuels resolutions. Setting mental health-related goals is a powerful way to prioritize yourself in the new year. Equally, about 36% of men and women focus their resolutions on improving their mental health. Use the beginning of the year to reflect and make strides toward self-improvement.

Mental Wellness related tips for the new year

Set realistic, manageable goals

80% of New Year's resolutions are not completed. To break this statistic, being reasonable with your abilities is imperative. Instead of saying "This year I will get in shape" try "This year I will run a mile three times a week". This small change makes the goal much more attainable by making it more manageable. Setting achievable goals that fit your current capabilities will help keep you motivated and on track to achieve them.

Focus on the good

There are many ways to focus on the good from surrounding yourself with happy people, living in the present, and practicing gratitude. A positive attitude brings out the best in your everyday life by helping you look at the bright side. Focusing on the good is important to improving mental wellness because of the increased mental resilience that comes from looking for the positives in all situations. When it may be hard to stay positive remember, to

not doubt your worth or dwell on past mistakes.

Celebrate wins

Celebrating progress, big or small, is crucial for staying motivated toward reaching your goals. This reward system helps you continue to strive for improvement because your brain craves reward. Acknowledging progress increases productivity by making yourself feel good about the progress made. Celebrating little wins also benefits future success and heightened confidence levels.


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