Need some creative energy this month? Luckily for you, there are several national (and global) holidays that can help you unleash your imagination.
Young Writers Day (April 10th):
Everyone has creativity inside of them; some children may not know that yet. Encourage a kid you know to exercise their right brain. A blank notebook is one of the best ways to get started. This way, they aren’t limited to writing a story, poems, or even a comic. However, this strategy can be used by all ages.
World Art Day (April 15th):
This day is a small reminder of the impact creativity has on people’s lives. Throughout
history, art has been used to express ideas, feelings, and beliefs. Take some time to
celebrate the power of art by making some of your own. If you feel like appreciating others' work, go to an art museum or find some murals nearby.
World Creativity and Innovation Day (April 21st):
This day was made to raise awareness about the importance of creativity for both personal and societal growth. According to the United Nations, creativity is a driving force of identity and innovation. Experiment with mediums like writing, filming, drawing, and more! Practice a craft or maybe even learn a new one.
World Book Day (April 23rd):
Literature continues to change humanity every day. This day highlights the art by spreading awareness of reading, publishing, and copyright. Try to remember some of your favorite books throughout your life and reread them if you can. Ask others about their favorites or recommendations. This can open your eyes to different genres you never thought you'd like.
Great Poetry Reading Day (April 28th):
Not to be confused with National Poetry Month (which also happens to be in April), Great Poetry Reading Day exists to reminisce on your favorite poets and maybe discover some new ones. Head to your nearby public library and find some poems in section 811 of the Nonfiction shelves. There are also libraries of poems online, like The Poetry Foundation.
Hopefully this list has excited you for the creative days ahead. Good luck!