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Overcome Summer Slacking

When summer comes around, memories of school are forgotten and everyone is eager to get out into the sun! With pools opening up, the weather becoming nice- and sometimes unbearably hot, and all the time in the world at their fingertips, the last thing kids want is to be reminded of school. But is that really what is best for them?

During the summer, students don’t focus very much on school, so when the new school year comes around, many of them, including myself, don’t know where to begin. Our brains are so fried from watching too much TV and playing too many video games that we don’t remember where we left off in school the previous year. This is what I call summer slacking, and I am going to give all of you some tips to help with this!

One of the first tips is to consistently keep in touch with your studies. It could be 30 minutes for one day out of your week, or even just ten minutes every day, to remind yourselves of what you learned in school. This keeps the brain active and engaged so you don’t as easily forget the information you learned the previous year.

Another tip is to try and learn new things this summer. Even if it isn’t something specifically learned in school, investigating something new can keep you stimulated! By engaging in learning new things, your brain is exercised and you can gain new skills and knowledge in the process. Actively learning new things can help keep your brain busy, and it might even help you retain information that you would otherwise forget.

These personal tips can help students overcome summer slacking while still having an enjoyable break. It’s a win win; students don’t fully forget everything they learned, but they can also live their summer break to the fullest!


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