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Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Is It Good?

The Percy Jackson books have been out for 14 years now and have received 2 live action movies and the newest edition, the Disney+ T.V show. 

To be candid, I was expecting this show to feel awkward and boring because of its episodic nature. But I was pleasantly surprised when I felt myself wanting more after the end of every episode. This is because the T.V show relies on dramatic and theatrical effects which is why it works as a television series. 

Another reason the show was wonderful was because it gave the characters time to complete their arcs and flush out their personalities. Rather than an entire book being crammed into a 2 hour movie, the show expanded the same book over 8 episodes with a run time of over 3 hours. It allows us to see Percy’s struggles with trying to get his mother back, it allows us to see and spend extra time with characters like Luke, and it all constitutes to allowing the watcher to get more emotionally attached to the characters and story so they care more. 

The final reason as to why I think the T.V show was an incredible live action adaptation of Percy Jackson and the Olympians is the accurate CGI and events that it depicts. The most direct example of this is the way the Underworld is shown in the series, it is gray and desolate and more accurate to the real underworld rather than it being engulfed in flames.

 Though I will point out that the show is not perfect in its retelling of the book, there are some differences such as Percy's ADHD and dyslexia not being mentioned and missing characters like Argus. But when counting the show as a whole, I consider it the best live action adaptation of Percy Jackson yet. 


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