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Shelfie Bio: Jakeem

Hey! I’m Jakeem, welcome to my shelfie! I work in the Reference Department at the Union West Regional Library in Indian Trail.

I’ll first start off by saying my bookshelf is nonexistent atm. I just moved; so while some are on top of my dresser right now, awaiting their glorious return to a new bookshelf. Most of my collection still remains unpacked. As for the ones on my dresser, I would say these are by far my favorite books or my most recent purchases. I guess that’s why they made it out of the box first. When it comes to my bookshelf in general, I will say there really was no rhyme or reason to it, but I wish there had been. Everything was pretty much just on the shelf. Don’t come for me, because since I moved, I do plan on having multiple shelves arranged by genre to all my TBR reads. Let’s hope I’ll be able to keep up with it.

I’ll go into some of my favorite books on my, soon to be, shelf. Starting with…

Harry Potter! I think it starts there for most millennials, but I could be wrong. This truly was the start for me. I wasn’t a big reader in middle school; but after starting the series, I was hooked. It brought a world of fantasy and wonder and magic - one of the things I love most in books. I loved the world building that I was able to escape into for hours. I remember finishing a book, far too quickly, and having to wait a whole year for the story to continue. IT. WAS. TORTURE! Growing up with Harry Potter was the best.

Moving along…

The next book I’ll talk about is Pride and Prejudice. This is by far one of my favorite books, I’ve read it eight or nine times. As far as love affairs go, this one is pretty high in my book. I love Elizabeth and her ability to always stay true to who she is and Mr. Darcy for accepting her just how she is. I’ve watched the film more times then I can count, as well as the BBC series. I’m not a big romance reader, but this just does something for me.

Couldn't find my copy for picture!


We have everything else that is on my bookshelf. It consists of different series, to stand alone books, to graphic novels and manga, with some non-fiction mixed in. I would say I have a very eclectic taste when it comes to books. I will read just about anything, and I will always finish a book; even if it's not the best. I mean, something made me pick it up to begin with. My favorite genres are fantasy, mystery, paranormal and historical fiction. There’s a lot more, but these really make up my bookshelf.


My TBR list is shocking; there are just too many books to read and not enough hours to do it! I keep adding more and more every day. I can’t pass anything up. I’m weak! That Goodreads list will forever grow. Hopefully one day I’ll have enough money to where I can just sit on an island with my stack of books to read, or just have everything on my Kindle.

That’s my bookshelf or a small glimpse of it. Thanks for stopping by!


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