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'The Ocean at the End of the Lane': Punch Edition

This book.


Just wow.

I cannot stress how amazing both this book and Neil Gaiman's way for words are! I work at a book store and I am now frequently finding myself recommending this book to people. This book alone has turned me into a lover of Gaiman's books! Now you are probably wondering what this amazing book is about... well I will tell you how I tell everyone else:

The book begins with the main character going to his hometown for a funeral which sounds like a big whoop and soooo creative Gaiman woww (ahem sarcasm). BUT have you ever experienced a time when you are driving somewhere but you don't remember how you got there?

Well this is exactly what happens to him as he finds himself at his childhood friends home! Upon his arrival to the little pond in the backyard of the house that his friend coined as the 'ocean', he experiences a flood like wave of memories from his youth that he had forgotten in his adulthood.

It is so cool how Gaiman ties things from the beginning of the book that you honestly forget until the end of the book when he brings it all together. The intricacy of the plot and the characters is absolutely phenomenal!

Basically, you need to read this book.

Now onto the recipe!!

I found this punch online at, I (as always) tweaked the recipe slightly. Instead of the Polar Blast Hawaiian Punch I used the Blue Raspberry Minute Maid... but this may have been my downfall. My friend who helped me make the punch absolutely loved it, but in my personal a very professional I simply did not enjoy the taste of the drink. I plucked out my Swedish Fish and gave her my punch, as one does. It was a super simple recipe and the best part were the little fishies.

Nonetheless! I do urge you to try this Ocean Water Punch as you read Neil Gaiman's Ocean at the End of the Lane!


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