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Vision Boards: The Perfect Visual Aid for the Year!

2024 is finally here! With every new year comes many new goals that we want to accomplish! An incredibly effective tool to help us out would be vision boards! With a visual aid like these, it's easy to want to conquer our goals!

What is a Vision Board?

A vision board is a collage of many different images, quotes, and other pictures that represent our goals and dreams. They've been used by many celebrities, including Steve Harvey and Oprah Winfrey. Looking at this board daily can help to visualize clearly what you wish to accomplish, making it easier to reach your goals. It's a really easy and effective method of manifestation as well and have multiple benefits!

  • used for inspiration of ideal lifestyle

  • motivates one to reach their goals

  • helps to visualize your success

  • invoke positive and powerful emotions

Now that you understand what a vision board is and how it's beneficial, lets dive in deeper into how to use it for ourselves!


Simple guide to make your own vision board!

Step 1: Write down your goals

It's easy to come up with vague ideas of what you want to accomplish this new year, but writing them down in detail can allow yourself to process the actual steps needed to reach it. It also makes the goal more clear in your mind, giving you a good idea of what it is that you actually want. For instance, if you have a vague goal of making healthier choices, you can narrow them down into steps like eating 5 fruits or vegetables each day and going to the gym 4 times a week.

Extra tip: Narrow down each goal into daily habits/activities! That makes it seem attainable and gives you more confidence since you already have a plan. I would suggest about 3 or so habits for each overall goal (ex. be more social- go out once a week, have family game nights, meet new people, etc.) but feel free to adjust the number based on how narrow or broad your goal already is!

Step 2: Choose your pictures

Now that you have all your goals written out, it's time to pick pictures that associate with them. Pinterest is an amazing resource for this step! You can narrow down your search to the steps you came up with before so that you can truly see what you're trying to achieve on the board. If your goal is to start cooking more at home, search up "home cooked meals" or any specific dishes you wanna try making. This process helps you to get a general idea of what kind of photos you want on the board. This is also the time to look for some quotes that you like! Adding affirmations or motivational quotes can help to make you more motivated when you look at the vision board.

Extra tip: Make sure to pick pictures and quotes that inspire you! Be creative! If you wanna have a color scheme that would make you more motivated or make the vision board more attractive, then use it. This is something you wanna look at daily, so make sure the pictures are worth looking at!

Step 3: Gather the supplies

Making a vision board doesn't require too many supplies. The main supplies would be a poster board and the pictures. Additional supplies would just be glue/tape to stick the photos on the board and scissors to make any adjustments throughout the process. Feel free to use other items as well, like stickers, to make the board more attractive!

Supplies List:
  • poster board (you can get one from dollar store)

  • pictures (you have free range here- you can choose to get your photos from Pinterest and print them out as gloss photos or on a color printer, or you can look through magazines and other resources for pictures that align with your goals)

  • glue/tape (I recommend a glue stick since that makes the least amount of mess and isn't shown on the board like tape is, but feel free to use whatever is available)

  • scissors

  • stickers, decorative tape, glitter (optional items- feel free to use them if you'd like!)

Extra Tip: Make sure the supplies you buy are of good quality! The pictures should be printed out in a size that's large enough to see and recognize what it is. Also make sure that the pictures aren't blurry or unfocused. Depending on where you're planning to put your vision board, make sure to get the right kind of poster board. The paper ones would work perfectly if you're planning to put it up on the wall, but if your planning to have it standing against the wall, then a foam poster would work better.

Step 4: Make the vision board

This is the fun part! Now you finally get to assemble the whole thing together! Start off by placing your main goals in the center of the poster since that's where our attention naturally goes first. Then, spread out the pictures based on categories (ex. the relationship goals would be on the left upper corner while the physical goals could be on the right lower corner). This process ensures that the vision board is organized and effective to use.

Extra Tip: Use the template on the right as a guide! Don't feel limited to it- if there's another goal/category you have, replace the ones you don't need with that one!

Step 5: Place it

Congratulations, you've finished making your vision board! Once you're satisfied with how it looks, it's time to place it in your house. Typically, you should be placing it somewhere you are everyday, whether that's your room, a study room, or another area of the house. Also position it so you can see it often. For instance, if you're placing it in your bedroom, try choosing a location in front of your bed so it's the first thing you see when you wake up. Make sure there aren't any distractions nearby either so the vision board gets the full emphasis. To place the vision board, you can use tape, poster stickers, or push pins.

Extra tip: Make sure to make it a routine to look at the vision board often. If you aren't viewing it, then what's the point of making it? That's why its crucial that the location you pick is one you're in often!


Now that you've finished your vision board, it'll be easy to remind yourself of the goals you want to achieve this year. Lets make 2024 our best year yet!


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