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What Your Hogwarts House Says About Your Personality

Hello there, fellow Harry Potter fan! In this blog post I'm going to be sharing all of the characteristics of the Hogwarts houses so that way you know what your house says about you! First things first: if you don't know your Hogwarts house, I would find that out first! There are plenty of online quizzes you can check out. Now let's begin!

With a lion as your beast, you have many strong and brave attributes in your personality! You are known for your courage, bravery, and determination! You're not afraid to stick up for what you think is right and will sometimes charge headfirst into risky situations. Bonus Fact: Gryffindor's relic is The Sword of Godric Gryffindor.

Calling all Slytherins! Most of the time, Slytherins are said to be the "bad guys", but you are just as cool as the other Houses! You are known to be ambitious, proud, and cunning. You know what you want and you're gonna get it! Bonus Fact: The Slytherin founder was Salazar Slytherin.

Coming next is the Hufflepuff House! Sporting a nice bright yellow, you have kind and hardworking personality's! Your main traits are loyalty, dedication, and patience. You love helping others and will stick with your friends until the end. Bonus Fact: The element that goes with the Hufflepuff House is Earth.

Last but not least, we have the Ravenclaw house! You'll learn just about anything you can, doing amazing in school! Your big three traits that stand out most is your wit, wisdom, and intelligence! Most people will find you deep into a book, always on the hunt for knowledge. Bonus Fact: The Ravenclaw ghost is The Gray Lady.

I hope that you enjoyed this blog post! If you want to have a cover to cover guide, I would recommend checking out this book on the UCL Website, Harry Potter Wizarding Almanac:


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